It was a wonderful holiday but it's over and the house is quiet. Normal life must begin again. I am lucky, I have a great normal life to get back to. The problem is, I have people that are worth missing, a lot, and I do. Vacations always make me think of those people even more. I'm not just talking about my darling girl and uber who didn't get to make it, this is for all of you out there who may forget or not even know that I think of you daily. So, until we can be together again, remember that I love you all!
In the meantime, I'll just keep making hats....
BTW I have a new button there to the left. Read about it if you havn't already. If it doesn't stop, life as we know it will change.....
Yeah I have read up on that whole thing and it just makes me mad... hope it doesn't pass :(
Missing you for over here!
Haven't read about it yet but certainly have heard about it on the news and through other friends. There must be some kind of amendment that can go through to help people like us who craft/create.
On a more positive note...I LOVE your little hats! How cute!
Gosh, I really should preview before I post!
The word is "from" [missing you "from" over here]
I'm so glad you're back =-) See ya Thursday.
YAY!!! I'm so glad that you're back! The store will finally feel normal again, with everyone here. I still haven't seen Lizy, though. Tomorrow maybe?
I know you miss people, but I sure am glad you're here! Glad you're home, love the hats, and the CPSIA thing is very interesting......
Thanks guys!
glad your'e back but what size is that white hat??:) baby size? Ava size? she would look sooo cute in it...hmm...
really really happy your back! Your post made me teary-eyed. I miss family too.
missing you!!!!!
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