"Being wounded or killed in any action against an enemy of the United States or as a result of an act of any such enemy or opposing armed forces"
Some of you know our son was injured just before his last tour ended. We were honored to be with him this morning when he received his Purple Heart. It was a solemn occasion, thinking of those who gave their lives and what could have been. It was a happy occasion because he was there. We were able to see him receive this medal. We could hug him, laugh with him and just feel glad.
I'm so glad that all three of you were able to be there for this special event! And that you were able to fight the snow and traffic to get there!
words escape me. love you all.
I agree with Norma... It makes my heart warm that he was honored for what he did and that he was "there" as you put it to receive it. I'm so glad you got to go be with him. And look how TALL he is!!!! Sheesh!
Love the pics. Makes me want to cry and smile...definately more smiling though! Love you guys
It's so great that you could all be there for this!!
You and Tim must be so proud, what an honor. You guys should feel so great as parents, you've raised three amazing kids. I hope Eric and I can do the same. Oh, and you look totally hot in that picture. No wonder they thought you were his wife.
a bitter-sweet occasion! thank god he is here and able to get this medal in good health adn that you and Tim were there to see it and be a part of it.
Like Norma, words escape me... what a touching moment it must have been for you all. What a happy momma face you have Corinnea. And did I miss something about, you as his wife? Hmmm, I guess I see too much of you and Tim in Beau's face to be able to see you as his wife! Although, if I didn't love you so much, I would hate you for looking so darn beautiful & young!
Peace and joy to you all.....
Darn it, Corinnea, you've gone and made me cry! I'm so happy for you all that you could be together, and that he is safe and healthy. His name is Bo, right? Please tell him *thank you* for his service, and his sacrifices.
What an amazing thing to get to share in, what a handsome boy, so glad he is home safe.
You have an incredible son! I am very happy that you were all able to be together in this special occasion. Your face glows of happiness. I am glad that he is home safe :)
Wow, I should check your blog more! Please tell your son Thank you, and congratulations for his dedication to our country. I am glad that you were able to celebrate with him as well. God bless you and your family Corinnea. It was so nice spending time with you all last week! Good times...
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