That's pretty much all I did this weekend. I think there is an indentation on the right side of my couch now. This is the culmination of my weekend of doing as little as possible.
Do you think a guy might like this? Made with Cotton Ease by Lion Brand. We carry it in the

Hat and matching scarflette. Lion Suede by Lion Brand.

Hat and scarflette. Silk'n wool Blend by Moda-Dea, also carried at the shop.
The one below is for my youngest, at his request. I hope it fits all his hair.....

Last but not least. A crocheted top, size.......4! This is a pattern I first saw
here. It is by
Chez Plum. I really enjoyed putting this together. It only took about 5 hours to do. This is great because one of the reasons I don't crochet more clothing is that it takes too long and has too many peices. This is crocheted all together. I did it with the Cotton Ease because it is washable, though I don't think I would just throw this in the laundry.
Jennifer, is a certain model available??
oh Corinnea!! That little top is adorable!!I cna't wait for EMily to try it on. And I cna't wait to see it in perosn becaue your stuff is always beautiful on the blog but it's stunning in person! Bravo! he he he..:)
There you go again....don't know how you do it. I must waste alot of my time. Love the hats, scraflettes and the top is amazing.
man oh man, love it all! Think a guy would totally dig that hat, and the grey and green hat and scarf, soooo cute, and the top has got to be so sweetest thing, you put my crafting output to shame!!!
If I didn't love you SO MUCH, I would absolutely hate you! How is a person soooooooo productive in one weekend? HOW? =-()
Just about any guy would love the hat and those scarflets... what can I say? And oh my goodness that adorable top!
Beautiful work. Now I'm depressed.... still love you though......
Holy cow woman- are your fingers still attached??? That is a ridiculous amount of stuff! LOVE it! ESPECIALLY that little top! When are you going to start making stuff in my size?
Guess I was productively unproductive....? You know who would have rather been "out" doing something. It is a satisfying way to look back on a weekend, especially one were I wasn't feeling well.
That's a lot for doing as little as possible! And didn't it make you feel so good to sell half of them today to one customer!!!
I love the colors on the top one. You rock. I can't believe how much you do!!!
all in one weekend? wow! that's productive for sure! the dress is amazing, and i love the striped hats!!!
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