First of all I had a problem. No it is NOT that my oven is dirty, it is that my oven is small. It has the one rack and most of my baking things do not fit. Last Saturday my DH took me to Breuniger Land. It was already packed with people at 10 in the morning and he took me anyway. That is love. He took me there and bought me a small oven. You can see it on the right. It can hold a pan with 7 I repeat 7 pizza pockets that I am cooking for him tonight....... This little oven has helped to make my life easier.
So I baked. Some of you got boxes. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.
By the way Jess, I have a larger set of star cookie cutters that I wasn't able to use this year. Why? Because I forgot I had them. Cookie cutters, it's an illness, what can I say.
So anyway, these are the boxes I gave to people. Whether they wanted them or not. Just my way of telling you all how much I appreciate you.

These hats are for two special people. Hopefully they both like them. I know one of them likes them, I hope the other of them likes it........
Christmas and cryptic messages......
Thank you for my box!!!! You are kidding yourself if you think it's possible to NOT like the boxes. especially those caramels. yummy. i mean, what? i haven't opened the box yet, so i wouldn't know. :)
thank you!!! and merry christmas!
Jenny, hope you like the candy and cookies when you try them...... ;)
I really do like making all the stuff!
Merry christmas to you and your family too!
Every thing is SO usual! I wish I could bake as good as you. It does take a certain amount of talent and just plain liking to do it. You obviously have lots of talent for it and LOVE doing it! Yummy, thank you so much:) I'm going to be very stingy with the box adn it's contents. Brown Eyed Girl is playing!! That's my song! I have that (somewhere) on a 45!!
Love your new oven, it is so cute! All your boxes of cookies look so pretty, I can almost smell them baking, my mind 'beams' me into your kitchen!!!
Oh my goodness, Corinnea, you have totally out done yourself!! The goodies are amazing! I got into them when I got home this afternoon, and I have already eaten almost all of the fudge and the peanut butter kiss cookies...2 of my absolute favorites!! Totally delicious! Thank you sooooooo much!!!
Oh, and Jennifer, I love that song too. Brandon sings it to me sometimes, but instead of saying "brown eyed girl", he says "my green eyed girl"...It's really sweet. Right now, actually, he's playing and singing "Wish You Were Here", by Pink Floyd. I love my honey. ^_^
Thanks guys! I do enjoy making the stuff!
Browned eyed girl has always been a fav of mine.....
Did you say SEVEN pizza pockets? Haha! Those cookies are freakin amazing! I have almost finishedt hee whole box. But I did share. ;)
Corinnea! Merry Christmas! Did Christmas seem to get here earlier than normal for you? Honestly, it was Thanksgiving and then suddenly it was Christmas. YIKES! And yet.... you seemed to get everything done that you wanted to get done. You even got crocheting done. Tons of it! And I'm still working on the same knitting that I started way too long ago. How on earth do you get everything done? I love you guys! Have a fab New Year!
I LOVE your pizza balls!!!!!
Wow, you were really busy. Everything looks great, the cookies, the hats, and I love the boxes. Did you make the boxes?
Hey Mary! Miss you, come home and I will make you pizza pockets!
Thanks Leslie, I didn't make the boxes.... I am that crazy but I try to reign it in sometimes.
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