We were both not feeling so great this weekend. We ended up staying in Friday and most of Saturday. In the afternoon we decided that going out somewhere would maybe make us feel better. Who knew it was going to be so extremely crowded at the Stuttgart Weinachtsmarkt..... I did get to eat at my other favorite fish place. This is the Finnish part of the market on the Eberhardt platz where the flea market is. They have a big tepee set up with fires and furs on the benches. It is cozy and warm and the salmon is fantastic.

You know who and Evie spent part of the evening studying together.

Then apparently, Evie became tired of reading.

This afternoon we tried the going outside therapy again. Esslingen had what seemed to be record numbers, go figure.... At least we knew where we were going and what we wanted to eat...... It was exhausting trying to get through the crowds! We were able to catch a distant glimpse of the stilt people coming through, I am not sure how they do this on the cobblestones and in the crowd.

I prefer them at a distance myself but one always seems to find me and get up close and personal.....

Hope you had a great weekend!
I totally have the urge to squeeze that cat until it squeaks... just thought I would throw that out there.
Looks fun, but tiring! :)
Oh my GOSH! I see the fish and want to scream "NOT FAIR"! There was a time when I couldn't get anyone to eat the fish with me and now......I should be there to help you eat them, one by one....I hope you're thinking of me at some point as you're stuffing your mouth full of those delicious morsels of fish.....;-() Oh Blah!
Hope you're feeling better. Stilt people are ALWAYS creepy.
Love the picture of the serious students!!! Love that cat, oh, you know who too!!!! Fish....no so much, sorry! Scary people, stay away.......hope you are feeling better. We are finally getting snow in the Sierra's, could get low enough to give us a dusting, so they say.....I wish.
I love how cats totally have their own agenda, and can make you do what they want, pics are so cute!!! Hope you two are feeling better!
Yes Joan I always think of you when I stuff my face with fish at the market. Not so much other times when I stuff my face with fish but at the market definetly!
Thanks all, we are trying to feel better. Positive thinking and that sort of thing........
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