I love this word. It's a feeling, as close as I can translate (correct me please if I am wrong), of coziness, warmth, friendship or friendliness. It pretty much permeated my whole weekend.
It started Friday night. I have no pictures because I was having fun in the moment. There were quite a few of us at the
shop doing some late night sewing and painting pottery. It is so much fun to get together with old friends and potential new friends to share in common interests.
Saturday, the man and I were quite lazy. In the evening I allowed him to take me out to one of my favorite restaurants. The Wildpfadstueble (the old Busnauer Hof) is a wonderful place to go and relax for a bit. Marion and Detlef are a warm couple and most of the time you feel as if you have been invited into their home. Detlef is an extraordinary chef, I have never been dissappointed and I have had everything on the menu. Pictured below is some apple kuchen he made. If I hadn't already eaten too much, I would have asked for another piece. It is almost better than his tiramisu..... hmmm, I need tiramisu....

Sunday was equally as relaxing with an afternoon drive to Esslingen to see a quilt show. The Log Cabin Ladies got together and made all of these quilts for the SOS kinderdorf. It's a place for children in need. The quilts were wonderful and each was made for a specific child with their likes taken into consideration. I love the generosity and care that went into each of these works. The pictures on the top left are the front and back of one quilt, amazing. I wish I could show you each quilt, but you get an idea of all the effort that went into this kind act.

After leaving the quilt show, we took the long way home partly on the weinstrasse. You know who was very kind and when I squealed, "I wanna stop here!!!" obligingly did so. He didn't even mind when I climbed down the embankment, in my heels, like a crazy person. Of all the days to wear heels. Hope you like the pictures....
Seriously, where do you take your pictures?? Are you just super lucky with your shots, or is it the camera? Or just plain talent? Whatever, you take the most gorgeous photos.
Ok, finished with the envious rant. I'm glad you had a good weekend. ^_^
I am super lucky to have a super camera and a husband who indulges my whims! Glad you liked them!!
It sounds like you had a much deserved wonderful weekend. The pictures are so beautiful, I love the Fall!
Agh I miss home!! Though I do have to say it is actually a teensy bit chilly here today... but I am still in flip flops so.... still completely jealous!! miss you guys
You totally captured fall here. Really beautiful photos:) Glad you had a much deserved good weekend.
Wow! Those are amazing quilts! And GAH!!! The vineyard photos are amazing!!!!!
Ahhhh, my favorite place to eat in all of Germany!!! And your beautiful fall pictures, amazing. Those are perfect for publisher's picture book. What a great weekend you had!
Since back in the States, John hasn't had to stop suddenly for great photo ops. I was always doing the same thing in Germany.
These are amazing! I want to paint them. You have such a good eye!
Look out photo contest!
Mary Beth, sorry for the delay in response! I can't enter the photo contest boo hoo but thanks for thinking they are worthy! If they inspire you to paint, that is better than a prize in a contest!
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