Do not, under any circumstances drink several double esspresso lattes in one day. Have I introduced you to my magical coffee machine? She is lovely. I won't take my own advice. I will do it again and suffer.......

I managed to finish this dress. It was inspired by a pattern we have at the shop. I made mine reversible.

I also finished a bag made from some Japanese fabric I brought home from quilt market. I need to remember to send
Jessica a piece..... Yes, this is just one bag.

Small zip bag. I have made a couple of these after Jessica sent me one. Hers is prettier. You can see it
I also cleaned up my "crafting" area. I wasn't quite finished so this is all you get. The area is a wall in a room where a lot of other stuff goes on too. I know, I know, it still looks pretty messy but isn't that the nature of what we do????

I also talked to my mom for two hours. There was a moment of hysteria because I am an idiot. I am sure having the shakes from coffee made it worse/funnier. Wow I am an idiot twice.....
I'll vouch for the craft area being clean!! WOW that is really good you could actually work on that table!! hahaha... Why were you having moments of hysteria?! This whole blogging thing is still taking me too long I worked on it for an hour and I had already typed the post... the picture situation is annoying! Haven't even gotten to crafts yet... off to do that now love ya
Hey girly don't totally rat me out! I have been able to "work" on my table for awhile! thhbbbt!
The hysteria involved a box she sent, I will just have to tell you...
Hahaha! You didn't learn from me the other day? I cleaned my craft area last night! We must have been channelling the same cleaning frenzy.
I sat at my craft area for about 5 minutes and then decided I wasn't in the mood to craft. Does this count? We all did something to our craft area-you two cleaned while I looked at mine:) I'm so confused about the bag! Must see it today! I like seeing where other people craft/sew so thanks for sharing! Kelly, your turn...
Love your craft area....good job! When I clean mine it just seems to get smaller and I only seem to go there when I clean. I think I'm suppose to be doing crafts there?! Love, love the bag..Well, I laught soooo hard during our phone visit, that I was getting dizzy and had to stop and focus on breathing. Thanks for starting my day with happiness.....
Yes mom, you are supposed to craft there! DO IT!
Glad you guys liked seeing my wall o' craft. I should have showed you my sewing table, it's not that bad.....
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