It may take me awhile to get this mailed (DO NOT insert snide remarks here my loving family) so I thought I would blog it. This will show too that I haven't been completely idle. Between working, eating and sleeping, I managed to be a bit creative. Be kind ya'll, I never claimed to be artistic. Oh, and since Jenny B. says things always look bigger online...... the plate is 9 3/4..... So anyway Sis, love you! I will try hard to get it out soon, whether you want it or not!
Now, WHO would make a snide remark?! Oh, yeah, me. Corinnea,you amaze me. That plate is 'beautiful'. Be proud girl! Hold that head up high! Do more...hint-hint.
Thanks Mom! It's not too bad. Now if I could just come up with something original!.
Ha! See, things really do look bigger when they are in macro or close up. That Jenny P sure is smart. Remember, all things are bigger on camara :)BTW. I like the plate.
Thanks Jenny B. I know Jenny P. is smart but you must of been reading this late. I said, you said! ha ha
Glad you like the plate.....
Oh great! Now I look like a big dummy...and here I was trying to call myself smart :) I think that I was up too late. I was typing in my sleep. either that, or it was a freudian slip and I think that JennyP is smarter than I am.
I love when people talk about me..I am the smartest person I know and that's all that counts. Corinnea, I LOVE this plate! Holy OW! he he he!
Did you paint the birdies? Very Very good!
Sis, it is so beautiful!!! Way way prettier then chirp, and its mine!!! How did you do the little birds? I love it and will wait very patiently to get it, maybe, you could always do more while I'm waiting....
I think it turned out because I was thinking of you Sher! Thanks for thinking it is better than the item I copied it from..... I'm not sure about that. BUT, I am going to try again. Something of my own this time. Don't hold your breath though, you know how slow I am!
Mary Beth thank you for the compliment!!
ok so I looked at them both and I think you totally interpreted it your own way and I like them both. and am wondering where my pottery is?!?!? Didn't you make me something liks 7 months ago? Oh and I vote that you hold the plate hostage and make sherie come and get it!!!
Jessica, that is mean but inspired. Yes, I have a plate for you but now I don't think it is good enough to send to you!
GASP! It turned out fantastic!
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