You may not know this about me, but I went into this blogging thing with a bit of a fussy attitude. At one time I may have even tried to say I was forced into starting a blog... I'm so glad I succumbed to the pressure because now it's something I enjoy. I have met nice people. One of those nominated me for an award. I've never met Jan over at Isisjem but I feel like she's a friend. I absolutely love one of the things she said about me..... Her blog is a mix of all the different things she makes with other stuff thrown in. Including some very gorgeous pictures of her grandson .... Someone I've never met gets me! ha ha Anyway, Jan, thanks for being out there and liking my crazy. I love how you are always going outside your comfort zone and doing things I'm not brave enough to do!
There are a few rules to accepting an award and one of those is that I have to nominate 3 -5 blogs that I think should get an award. All of them have under 100 followers. These are all people that look forward to reading when they post. Thanks for being out there!
Parrishplatz - Jennifer is extraordinary. She makes me want to be more creative. When she decides the time is right, you will want her to be your photographer.
Insanely Crafty - Jessica is one of the most clever people I know. She's also my daughter but I'd say that anyway.
Kelly's Korner - Kelly is perfect mixture of brains and creativity. One of the most busy people I know, when she gets to post, you want to see it.
theblackforrist - Kara is energy. She makes cute things. Then she makes the patterns.
H'sCreations - Heather is full of love. A mom of three, she still makes time to do nice things for others. Being as I've been there and tried to do that, I admire her.
If any of you feel the urge to tell someone else that you enjoy what they do, follow the rules below. If you don't, then by all means don't!!! You can still tell the world that I think you're amazing!
1) If you are tagged, and you want to accept, then create a post on your blog and add the Liebster blog pic.2) Link back to the person who gave you the award and say if you accept. 3) Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs to tag, link these in your post too and tell the lucky people they have been tagged.The aim of this award is to bring unknown good blogs to light, (less than 50 Followers is ideal), therefore, please don't tag somebody with 3000 followers!