Yesterday was a day that I felt every one of my almost 50 years old. I work with the most clever, creative, smart and above all nice people I could ever hope to work with. Not a single one of them make me anything but happy. I was just so frustrated with myself. I even threw a silent temper tantrum for my idiocy. My mind just doesn't do some of the things I want it to. Most days I'm trainable but yesterday....... Then, it took me 40 minutes to get home (this is normally a no more than 15 minute drive), you know who was in class and the animals were just not interested. I just felt awful.
Sew anyway, and that's what I did.
I will never make another. Minky stretches. A lot. I mean it. K, well, maybe I would make another. Not sure. Maybe, if I have another bad day and it takes me a long time to get home and you know who is in school and the dog, cat and chinchilla are not enough..... maybe, because I am good at this and it makes me happy.
Oh noes!!! I'm sorry you had a bad day. You are every bit as "clever, creative smart, and above all nice" as we are, and we love you!
And the jacket is just so adorable that it defies all logic. Did you bring it in? I hope you brought it in!!
eekkk!! screeech!! I'm making these sounds as I type this! It's ADORABLE! I truly get excited when I see that you've updated your blog. I like to see other peoples updated too (not just saying that becasue other people are reading this!) but we are so alike in our crafting: you sew clothes and other "Jennifer" stuff! Thanks for making my morning! I agree about the minky! I taught one class using it and flannel for a simple baby blanket and I said NEVER AGAIN!! It can be hard enough for experienced sewers but when you have 4 beginners try....I'm surprised I have hair left! So I can only imagine making clothing out of it would be terrible! Good job! I told you I would not stop by today becasue I have to clean my house, make more aprons and bibs and play with my kids! SO stop tempting me by putting this super cute jacket on your blog! I will not come in! I do have to check the mail though..so maybe i could pop over...
Sorry you had a no brain day!! I hate those, I have way too many....and a bad commute on top of that....not good. BUT, LOVE THE JACKET!!! That is so amazing. You have always been able to do magical things with sewing, even as a teenager. Maybe I did something right in teaching you! oh, wait a minute, maybe your MEMA did something right?!?!? Did I help a little bit???
As Aunt Bonnie told mom when they were talking about age a couple of days ago, you not almost 50, your a little over 40, and as far as the temper tantrum, at least yours are silent, mine are always way out loud, and you are brilliant and trainable, and if we accept our animals peeing on our floors while we train them to potty outside, shouldnt we cut ourselves a break when we have a accident day, and anyone (you) who can top off a day with producing something beautiful is just downright amazing!!!
So what size is that jacket? I know a one year old who would look really cute in it!!!! j/k You did an amazing job! And that turtle fabric is just adorable. Sorry you had a bad day. When I do I just eat chocolate, maybe next time I will try and do something creative and see if that works out better.
I hope you have a much better day tomorrow. That jacket, oh my gosh! So cute! I'm still kickin' myself for not buying any of that line of fabric. I'll have to come back and do it, it's DEFINATELY one of the cutest lines EVER!! And that jacket out of minky?! wow, just, WOW!
Oh man... that jacket is like totally fabulous... I still think a short red one would be cute ... ...
What are you talking about anyway? You got a ton of stuff done yesterday! I don't think having trouble with the consignment report counts as having a no-brain day. I must have missed something in my self absorbtion ... oh I mean work ... yesterday.
so it is official Matt and I are going to have to have a kid now so that I can have that jacket... WAHAHAHA... I had a LONG day... I think you sent me yours when you were done with it.... when are you going to answer my email? For real I want one of those in my size Puhleeezzzeeee...
Okay, so sorry, now i realize my comment was weird, too much drugs, what I meant was your amazing and I love you.
Sherie you are so funny. You're comment was fine! I feel the same way about you, you know? You are amazing and I love you back!
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