Possibly not the best post title. I was just trying to give the creative people out there hope. I
actually finished a project. You may, if you like fast forward to the end of this post. For those of you who like fireworks, stick with me. One of the cool things about living here in Germany is they love celebrations. A lot. Summer is a reason to have fireworks. For the last two weekends, we have taken advantage. First was Ludwigsburg Barock Gardens. I love the show they put on. The fireworks coordinating with music, just amazing. Afterward we went to dinner in the towm square. On the way we came across this oblisk decorated with old plastic bottles around the base. Quite unusually spectacular.

Last night the Killesburg Gardens had their Lichterfest. This place is HUGE. We walked in and just wandered for over an hour. There was plenty to see even with the huge crowds.

This tower is so interesting. We kept trying to make our way toward it, thinking it would be a great spot to watch from. We were right but not. They used the tower for the fireworks......

They had these lanterns strung up poles with candles in them in several spots. The rocks behind are illuminated with lights.

When the show finally started the tower was the center of attention. You would not believe how many colors they used. These were just a few. Really, there were a lot more. It was kind of funny.

Just a few of my favorites.

After the show was over, there were displays like this to light your way out of the park. I think next year I will take a flash light. So if you've never gone, remember next year, it's worth it!

Last but not least, my PJs. I spent the week feeling not so hot, trying to get a quilt top done. Nothing like putting pressure on yourself.... So today I made these. I've had the fabric for awhile, a long while. Too many projects, not making enough time...... They are purple striped, they are baggy, they are perfect. I did do a fun contrasting/coordinating waist. Recognize the fabric

More soon, I hope.