
Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Actually Sewed Something

 My sister asked for this bag back when I was at the shop and made it for display. She decided it was the perfect knitting bag. I decided that she also needed a pattern holder and made one the night before she left. It's not great but I think it will do until she is tired of it. 
Jessica wanted more shopping bags. She uses one that I sent her for a beach bag. We collect shells and other beach treasures in it. These will be for shopping. Or beach treasures or whatever she wants.
Who says you can't have fall color in FL? I have two beautiful trees in my front yard that are trying their hardest.  I looked up and saw this while I was painting my front door. My blue front door. My indigo blue front door.  Oh yeah, I'll post that over here when it is dry......


  1. pretty sky!
    Hey I don't look fat in that picture-- lol! Want a baby?

  2. That's gotta be one of Joann's most popular fabrics! I've made so many things with it. It's so pretty! :)

  3. The bag is cute! My first thought was laptop/iPad sleeve, but pattern bag is a great idea! I use my grocery bag a LOT. It's so handy to keep in my purse. Can't wait to see your door! :)

  4. I have to say a big huge thank you for making your pictures bigger!!!! yay!! you were about to get an email from me!:) Especially with the baby, I want to see the pictures huge!!!!

    I can't wait to see your door!!! That's a huge dream of mine. Not to own a home just to paint my front door a beautiful color:)Seriously.

    I'm so happy you sewed something but you have a very very good excuse for not sewing right now!! You not only moved but you now have to redo this house!

    Does Florida ever get cold? You guys are always wearing tank tops. I think I'll never be moving there:)

  5. Wow! Good for you to be working on some projects as you are busy working on your house!

    I'm glad you're enjoying your nice Florida version of Fall.

    And We area all anxiously waiting for more house pictures missy! ;-)

  6. I love my pattern sleeve, was going to take it into the shop and show it off, along with the most awesome knitting bag ever! Cant wait to see your door,wish i were there to help but I bet you get way more done without being distracted by making me bags, hmmm, I could use more!
