
Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Little Bag

We got our grandson blocks for Christmas. I know he can't play with them now but he can't play with much yet. I asked Jess if she would like a bag for them to live in. She said yes and she even had the perfect fabric. Anne Kelle's Urban Zoology whales in Bermuda. I love this print. I wanted the seams nice and finished so I ironed them open, turned them under and sewed through all the layers. I like seeing the finishing seam on the outside. In this case I think it makes it a bit more interesting. A simple casing with grosgrain ribbon finished it off.
Two hundred tiny blocks waiting for their boy.


  1. Corrinea, where did you have your sweet CM tags made? I love them ... and am in Europe if it turns out you got them over here :)

  2. I LOVE this bag! So glad I bought this fabric! I still haven't put the blocks away because I love seeing them out!

    Jovita- tags are from just in case my mum doesn't remember....totally recommend them!

  3. Super cute bag! The seams are perfect and the fabric is adorable!

  4. I am just a bit disgusted with myself after having seen this blog entry.

    I love you Corinnea but sometimes......!


  5. That fabric is fab! This baby is getting so much cool stuff!

  6. What a blessed, well loved and cared for lil' fella!

    Loved the hat pictures and the blocks will provide hours of fun!

  7. The bag is super cute! I really like the way you did the seams! I'm going to file that away in the old database. It's funny that there was a question about tags because I was going to email you and ask! Thanks Jess!

  8. this fabric is PERFECT for this!! the bag is adorable!

  9. That is sooo cute and I love the finished seams!
