
Tuesday, August 3, 2010


 Sunday evening the universe forced me to start moving a bit slower. I am trying to turn this into a good thing because right now, I have a lot to do. I have twenty days left to wrap up a life. That's about as far as I can take that thought right now. Instead I'll show you our weekend.

We started a bit earlier in the week by having dinner out a couple of times with some friends from out of town…(out of the country) Did I get a photo of us with said friends?… no…. One of the evenings was at a restaurant in the Flugfeld area of Boeblingen. If you haven't been, it's a nice casual place to hang out for a bit. There are tables outside that have sun, if there's sun, throughout the day. Next door, there is an old timer car showroom. 

Friday evening found us wandering Boeblingen in search of food. This was one of the scenes from that night. Oh and if you want a nice place to eat, try the Magellan

Saturday was spent driving through the country side to the WMF Fischalle in Geislingen. Even you know who doesn't mind going. He found barbecue cages for fish. They've built up the area since we were there last. A small shopping area with the outlet mindset went in next to them.

The evening found us downtown where we sat for several hours in a couple of different places just watching the world go by. I love this spot.

Sunday we had to say goodbye to our adopted pet Tinkerbell. She is a cat that looks like a kitten, is a bit crazy and totally made me love her. She launched herself onto you know who's back and when he didn't behave as she would have liked, preceded to swat him in the face. What's not to love about a cat that stands her ground? She's back with her family now and I miss her. 

To console ourselves, we went to this new place found by the visiting friends from earlier in the previous week. Beautiful drive, yummy spaetzle and time to sew up a few hexies. 

Then I fell.

Now I sit here today, resting my injured foot (which is feeling much better), waiting for someone to come pick up my sweet Mini and ship her to our new home. Then I must hobble on, finishing what I can and leaving the rest.

If you'd like to see what I am about to start working on soon, head over here. Our kids have started this project with us and I hope they don't tire of helping too soon. I'll try to make it fun….

Just found out the mini will not be picked up until tomorrow..... moving is enough to drive you batty. 


  1. Hope your foot gets better quickly!

  2. Oh you poor thing. It is awful to be incapicated like that.

  3. Hope your foot gets better soon! Good Luck with the move x

  4. love all of the pics! Looks like you've already started on my list of things to eat! :) eat more chocolate!

  5. so sorry to hear about ur foot! well, u can't say u didn't go out with a bang. bad joke. your castle looks great, i am so happy and excited for you!

  6. I hope your foot is better. I miss you sooooo much! Come back to
    work:( Your new house is INCREDIBLE! I want to see inside pictures as well. I love seeing in others homes. it's just fascinating and inspiring to see what others are doing and how they are decorating. Keep us posted!

  7. Need to go out to the biergarten a few more times... where's the sun! I demand warm weather for outside eating. Sorry about your foot. Thank you for rescuing my kitty! I know she felt a lot safer with you! I love seeing your fabric baskets on top of the shelf (behind Tim's head). Yes, I looked past him and was distracted by fabric. Big surprise! :)

  8. Oh no - you hurt your foot? Did you go and see a doctor? If you're not up and running again today, please DO see a doctor! I hurt my foot last year, and it needed treatment (no operation or something similar nasty, but treatment). So please - take care of you and your foot, will you, please?
