
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Understanding Knits?

Or, when things turn out but they don't or don't but do or gee I love this fabric.

This is for Jessica.
 Jessica's going to be giving me a grandson in a few months.
OK, Mc Call's 6120 is not a maternity pattern but I thought (?) if I cut the lower bodice larger....
Jess, I know you thought this would be better as a dress. Don't let the length you see here mislead you, you might be able to wear it as a dress. You will be able to wear it now, this fabric super soft and super stretchy. Good news is, you can wear it afterwards too.

key necklace by Jenny aka pearlswirl and is sold in the shop.

I learned two important things while making this.
1. I could live in this fabric.
2. I know nothing about knits.


  1. You're making me want to sew with knits and I hate sewing with knits!

    I love this style (with sleeves for me though). I had several variations of this while pregnant. I still have a long sleeve maternity one that I love.

    Is the fabric from hilco too?

  2. A darling top! I took a class on sewing knits - and I still feel uncomfortable with them. Ugh. However, if I could make a top that looked like yours, I just might try again.

  3. I want to learn, I must learn, I want this top..... loved it!!! It felt sooooo soooooft. I would of kept on touching you all day ;)

  4. Still love it, despite the yard or so tucked into your pants! Haha! Yeah, I said it! :) And now Haven finally wants me to sew for her, thanks to your shirt! Love it!

  5. Jess is going to love this! It was so soft!

  6. That is just too stinkin' cute!

    oh wait...

    You are just too stinkin' cute!

    that's better... ;-)

  7. That is amazing. Makes me want to try to follow a pattern agian (almost)!

  8. I was waiting to see if someone would mention the yard of fabric tucked in my pants!!! ha ha ha I really should have just posted a photo that way too. Silly!
