
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Did someone say bags?

This is the scene out my kitchen window at 7:30 Saturday morning. It was almost a blizzard. It was cold, like freezing, so I didn't leave the house until I had to go forage for food. Which silly enough was 12 hours later when I realized there was not much in the house to eat except chocolate. Can't survive a whole day on coffee and chocolate. We tried,  it didn't work. When I walked to the store, It. Was. Still. Snowing.
I cleaned a bit. Then I started sewing super silly simple market bags. The same kind as in my last post. Per the request of some, I'm trying to write a simple tutorial and to do that, apparently, I need to make a lot. Either that, or I am seriously obsessed.

 It takes about 3/4 of a yard because I like longer straps. You could peice the straps though and use less. Hmmm, should of put a ruler next to these to show the size. They wrap about 5 inches long and and 1.5 inches wide. Perfect for your purse or pocket.
This is mine, I just love this fabric.

The rest? Who knows... I think they would make great gift bags too.


  1. OMG!!! you mad woman.... Love them all and love the picture!!! So where is my tutorial Chica :) Is this your back yard, cause I am digging those stones....

  2. Oh wow!! YTou made so many! I think you should try and sell them in the store. Try it. what can it hurt? Put them in a basket by the register...

    These are awesome!! I have a nylon one from a store downtown and have used it so many times. This really will make great gifts. I could keep some in the the my purse...

  3. Oh Corinnea. Why must you always make such wonderful things, which entice me to covet them? I swear, between you and Jennifer, all I can seem to think when I look at your blogs is "I want." Is that terribly selfish of me? Well, if it is, I blame you for posting so much awesomeness.

    So. About that whole selling-them-in-the-shop thing. I totally think you should do it. Bring in a basket full, and I bet they would sell like *crazy*.

  4. Your a bag lady!! HAHAHA. I love it (and that jacket is totally cute!)
    I think you should try selling them. (And making the tutorial of course) You could sell the tutorial?!?

  5. Okay, if I lived in those pictures, I think I could survive on chocolate and well, maybe, coke and some bread and butter ala Marie Curie! The scenery is just gorgeous!

    The bags are awesome! And I love the shot of you with your arms outstretched, I'm envisioning petitioning the sun gods to come back and melt the snow and bring spring in! LOL

  6. You know.... You should consider opening an Etsy shop! I am sure there are other people-like me- who would LOVE to be able to have something you made! And since you are SUCH a prolific "sewer, crochet-er and all around crafty person, you could easily have your Etsy shop filled at all times! Something to think about for all us sad, people who can't go to Patch!

  7. Wow, those look awesome! I love the simple design!

  8. Amazing!!! Love your pictures. You and Tim need to go into business taking pictures, you guys take very interesting and fun shots. Oh, love the bags, I meant to say that first, got detracted with the picture thing. Miss you.

  9. LOVE these!!!! Way cuter then the other bags out there to tuck in your purse, seriously, these are just perfect, yarnies would totally love these, I could even test drive one and see how it works!!!

  10. I love the picture of you with all the bags!!!!! That's great!! I think the bags are really fun! I MIGHT be willing to make my own....

  11. Thanks guys! These photos are in the park behind our apartment building. Thanks for liking my silliness, not that I would stop if you didn't, that's just the way I roll......

    There are a few that may be test driving these soon. Though I really did test them first and I can truthfully say they are pretty awesome to shop with.

  12. these are fantastic! tutorial? hmmmm?
    - Hannah
