
Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays

We had a lovely Christmas Eve Older, Younger, You Know Who and I. It was spent with old and new friends. We ate, laughed, sang and watched kids open gifts.
Today was very, very laid back and quiet. I cooked a little and baked a little. The guys managed to eat most of it. I tormented them by taking this photo before dinner. I love it when they humor me.
After dinner we opened a couple gifts. Brinkley, still a puppy at heart waits every year for what his gramma sends him. He shared with the guys, then got down to business....

This is what getting down to business looks like.
I am afraid that the ginger bread man has indeed been caught and chewed to smithereens. It got a lot uglier than this. I almost couldn't look.

I gifted myself with starting another project. I've been wanting to do these for quite awhile.


  1. I LOVE the pictures, I have very handsome grandsons.....your dinner looks so yummy! I had a vision that poor gingerbread man would have an ending like that..looks like he had fun with it and that was the whole purpose!

  2. How much fun! Thanks for sharing the pictures of all your men! What a handsome group!

    Our doggy got a bag of treats and wants to go outside to the bathroom all the time now just to earn a treat! LOL

    I love your new project! It's way too cool!

    Happy New Year!

  3. Really great pics! Did you draw a chalk outline around the gingerbread man? Haha! I can't believe you're doing that hexagon quilt! Are you just making a mini... how big are you going to go? Are you doing it by hand or machine? Wow!

  4. love the pictures!!!! Esp the family one. Ohhh glad you started the hex's I really want to do some of those too...

  5. Missed seeing you guys this year.

  6. Great Family pictures :) Glad you had a relaxing day with your boys. Love your new project. Can't wait to see it finished....

  7. Looks like you guys had a great day, so good to see you and all your boys!

  8. I can't wait to see that hexagon thingy! Love all the pictures:) And the gingerbread man...too funny!! Kelly: my friend Jocelyn had a tape outline of our friend Caressa on her floor. It was meant to look like a dead person.
