
Monday, May 11, 2009

Long overdue

As far as I can figure, we drove over 1500 miles. It was a great trip. My pictures do not do it justice. We had every kind of weather except snow and perfect. Don't worry I won't bore you with to many. This first picture should have been last. It's mom in Lucerne Switzerland. This is a gorgeous city. Only about 4 hours away. You should go. Scenes from Rocca d'Orcia.

Very, very good restaurant.

The town square. For generations at 12 am on Mayday the entire town gathers in this square to sing and play music. I wish they'd told us. When the sounds woke me at midnight I just wasn't up to checking it out. The singing was beautiful.


  1. Gorgeous pictures!! Hooray for time with Mom! :)

  2. wow, that's really pretty-all of them. Really cool about the town singing.

  3. Wait that is all you are sharing?!? I was all ready for a mile long post!
    LOVE the last two pictures gorgeous! I hope we can do this at some point!
    31 days till you are HERE!

  4. magnificent pictures! what a great trip!
