
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Meet my sister, Sherie

I've talked about her (a lot, maybe, ok) now she is blogging!


  1. yeaaahh! Nice to "meet" her. If she's a member of your family she must be pressure on her though. She can be dull if she wants:)

  2. Haha! Did you tell her how popular the fabrics were? Glad to have her join our universe!

  3. Really my sister is the most interesting of the two of us, do you know that for a long time she would speak for me when someone asked a question because she just did so much better of a job of it! So glad everyone loved jitterbug, that market was the most fun ever!

  4. Well I guess you telling everyone what a motor mouth butinski I was/am won't be a surprise...... I try to let you get a word in now, don't I? Come on you can say....

  5. So that is sooo not what I meant, you have always been the better half of me, and because you knew people scared me and because you are so clever you always helped me out, I seem to constantly stick my foot in my mouth!!! Are you sure i should be blogging???

  6. Ha ha ha I KNOW that is not what you meant and YES you should be blogging. I bet I stick my foot in my mouth more than you. I am not the better half of you just the other half..... other sister.....

  7. Oh my goodness, still do that hairdo, Doug hates it!!!
