
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Send happy thoughts!

So, my sister had to have some emergency surgery yesterday. One of those, it's just routine and then, oops! things. She is amazing and resilient and so will most likely get over this faster than I! For goodness sake, she is knitting instead of wallowing, which is my preferred method of dealing.... So I am hoping you will help me send happy thoughts her way!


  1. I'm so sorry; I'm hope she gets better soon. I'm sending happy thoughts for her and for you. I know that when my sisters are in pain, I'm in pain. I'll keep her in my prayers.

  2. My beautiful girls!!!

  3. Corinneaaaaaaa, Only but happy thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery :) I have added her in my prayers.

  4. Lots and lots and lots of happy thoughts! Keep us updated on her progress. I'm so glad you guys got to see each other in Portland!

  5. My stomach dropped into my toes when you told us this story... Yikes! I hope she's doing better, happy thoughts and good wishes are winging her way!
