
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jessica is on Etsy!

Yes, my really lovely, talented, sweet baby girl now has a shop on Etsy. You can see her under my favorites. So far she makes the growth charts I wrote about earlier. Who knows what will come next. She has a clever mind. Gets that from her dad.... Good news is she is nice too! Gets that from me..... ha ha No really, she is one of my most favorite people in the world and she has a great husband. Good taste also runs in the family...
Go, check out her shop, do it NOW!


  1. Did you want to give us a link or anything?...

  2. Never mind! Found it! (On the left for any other BLIND readers!) :)

  3. I am SO excited! I wanted one of those growth charts as soon as I saw the pic you posted! Gonna go check it out, RIGHT NOW! :)

  4. Thanks ya'll! I am a proud and pushy mom.....

  5. I'm so excited for her!! What a clever idea!

  6. I added her etsy shop to my blog:)

  7. Woot - From Jessica's Awesome husand. I think you all should buy the growth charts... and that goes double for fauxma.

  8. Woot, woot.... guess I could get one to track mine and Tim's shrinkage. It happens when you get older you know......
