
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jessica + Voile + Summertime Top = Cute

It’s been fun getting back into the groove of sewing. There were a few things I brought with me when we moved so I could have projects to do while waiting for my household stuff. One of the items was the Summer Time top pattern from Favorite Things. Another was AMH voile diamond mine in ink. I was hoping Jessica would like the combination and she did.

Of course, we had to put our own twist on things. She’s not a big fan of ties. I knew this, so I wasn’t surprised. We decided on buttons. I added a placket down the front on both sides because it was too small across the front. This is not her fault. The girl is tiny. I should have checked to make sure the pattern fit. I just started cutting to her normal size without compensating for some new attributes that she has acquired. I made the cap sleeves a bit shorter too.

I love the way it turned out. Voile is the perfect fabric for a top like this. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Day in My New Life

Today I went on my first adventure by myself since coming to my new city. I was called up for jury duty. Crazy right? I mean I am almost 50 and this is the first time ever that I've been selected and I'm brand spanking new to the city. I know how it happened. I got my driver’s license here two years ago so as far as they know this is where I've been living.

I was seriously dreading this, for no other reason than I was going to have to be a big girl and drive myself someplace new. But it wasn’t bad. If you have nothing important to do, and don’t mind sitting around waiting it would be interesting to be called every now and then. I was fully prepared with entertainment (love my e reader and iphone!) so did not have the impatience for the situation that some people did.
When the day ended without me getting the chance to be chosen I was kind of relieved and kind of disappointed. I found it interesting that everyone in the court building treated the 500 or so of us there kindly, humorously and respectfully. We were told multiple times how much our time and cooperation was valued. Though I am sure they say that all the time, I really felt it was meant. My first encounter with the judicial system up close and personal was fairly positive.
After being dismissed I took the opportunity to walk along the river for a bit. I love looking at the bridges crossing the river between the downtown areas. I am not as keen about driving over them but this view is lovely to me. My new city has some very pretty areas that I can’t wait to explore.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lovely Pillowcases

Another step in getting Jess ready for the hospital was to make her pillowcases. She was told to bring a couple of her own comfy pillows, but to be sure that the cases were distinctly hers.  Do you think these will work??

She had just a yard of her most favorite Mendocino fabric and a white cotton pillowcase. It was destiny.  It was magic. It was fun.  I did the planning and cutting, she did the sewing. 

For Jessica

One of the things I’ve been trying to do is help Jessica get ready to go to the hospital when Baby MAC decides to make his entrance. A couple of weeks ago we were looking high and low for an appropriate nightgown for the hospital.  There were specific criteria to be for it to be deemed appropriate. It had to be comfortable, easy for nursing and visitor friendly. Oh and not ugly.  We came to the conclusion that there was nothing that fit our standards. No thing.  Nada.  Then I had a moment. Ya’ll know the one. The one where I am brilliant. I said, “Jess, I know how to sew, it’s something I do. What if I made you a gown?” She told me I was brilliant and said yes please.  Actually I think she rolled her eyes and said took you long enough.  Anyway, I would of showed you this last week but I decided to go and get sick and make my very pregnant daughter wait on me hand and foot for two whole days.  I’m better but only because I got tired of all of the attention.

More later!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Moving and all of the aftermath can be boring. There's just so much to be done that's not interesting. There are some very funny things that have happened and some very not funny things. Things like trying to get my car. Not funny. Things like a visit to the post office. Very funny in a not very funny, sort of way. Visits to the DMV where you grab a number, remember you forgot something, drive a 45 minute round trip to arrive back just as they are calling your number. Awesome! I am just beginning to craft again and we have some fun things coming up but in the mean time you get an impromptu photo shoot on the beach taken with my iphone.

I love these two!

Jess is a huge fan of people randomly grabbing her stomach and talking to the baby.

Hope you are all fine. I am trying to get back to normal, or find what is my new normal, or a facsimile thereof.