I've told a couple of you about what fun You Know Who and I have when I ask him to take pictures of me. I am afraid this moment nearly caused me to have a nervous breakdown and some screeching was involved. I should learn to stand there with my mouth shut and hope for the best but instead, I let him push my buttons....... Don't tell him, but it's kinda funny, but not.... Anyway, I made this hat because Jenny P. sent me a link and I just had to try. I used cotton ease for my version. Theirs was a much more yummy yarn that I can't find. I like it though, what do you think? I know it's not exactly like the original....
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
More Weinachtsmarkt fun
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And the winner is......
But first, a bit of advice, when sewing with minky, try not to breathe, swallow, blink or wear fleece. Do not drink coffee, tea or any beverage without a lid. Sewing outside might be wise, then minky fuzz can be free. Sneak peek at the minky project....
I managed to not complete one single project yesterday. Quite an accomplishment.....
Sneak peek at another project.
Sneak peek at another project.
Anyway, thanks for being so kind and for wanting Stuart! You know who said I should just make each one of you a snail. He just has no idea.....
It was fun having a couple of new people pop in, especially Joan! Joan should start a cooking blog. It's something she's very good at. There are other things she is good at too, but the cooking, oh my.
Speaking of which...... The winner is in fact the afore mentioned Joan! Stuart will be on his way too you soon.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
100th post and a give away!
This is actually my hundreth post. Who knew it could last this long, though I am sure some of you have given up this last month...... It's been busy, I've been tired but I have missed posting. I am surprised by how much I have enjoyed it. Maybe it's silly to want to give something away cause it is not like I am actually anybody but I thought why not, it could be fun. I would love to have done something that is all me but I am going to use someone else's genius for this. So anyway.... This is Belle. She is not the give away. She is going to be on her way to someone special.
This is me. I am not the give away either. I am just showing off my hat. I made it to put in the shop and decided I liked it too much....
This is Stuart. He is the give away. As some of you know I became obsessed with making these little guys from here. I think I need help. In the mean time, if you would like him, leave a comment. I will leave it open until Monday night, then make you know who draw a number for me. After that Stuart will be on his way to a new home. Or, if no one comments, he and Antonio will figure out some thing else to do.....
Thursday, November 13, 2008
While I was out.....
The last couple of weeks have been full, hectic and fun, so I am not doing anything spectacular, other than showing you what I've been crocheting while my mind is too tired to do anything else. I made a cool green hat that I haven't photographed yet. I may end up keeping it. The first hat pictured is for Kelly, unless she doesn't like it... This second is for the cutest little girl, unless she doesn't like it..... Then there is the goofy scarf, just because, searching for a home. Oh and the last picture is for those of you who haven't seen me in my glasses. The glasses I have to wear all the time now. Be kind.